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Getting Line Stats from your Modem/Router

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How to get your router line stats

Modem or Router:-  

The important details you are looking for are:

~ Sync Speed (Connection Speed)
Get your router line stats from your modem router
~ Attenuation (atten)
~ SNR Margin (Noise Margin, Margin)
~ Details of any CRC errors or Errored Seconds may also be useful

When looking at your line stats you cant just rely on one particular aspect and you have to look at all of the figures to get an overall picture of how your line is performing.
The site contains information about what the important figures such as attenuation and SNR Margin mean and also an overview of line stat figures you may see and an explanation of line stat errors.
It can take a while to understand and be able to "read" router linestats, so if you are having difficulties or wish to ask any further questions, please feel free to post them on the forum.

Click on the relevant link to reveal how to get your stats.

2 Wire Router


2 Wire Router (BT Business Hub)

From the web interface

Menu : -  Broadband Link >
Sub Menu: - Statistics >

3com router


3com Routers

From the web interface

Click on Status and Logs at the bottom left of the page,
then choose ADSL Status tab at the top.

Default username = admin. Password = admin

Thanks to E7er for the info

Belkin F5D7630 router


Belkin F5D7630

The Belkin F5D7630 wireless router has a hidden page which allows you to access your line stats:

More info on belkin hidden pages

Belkin F5D7632 router


Belkin F5D7632

Early versions

Telnet to the router IP address (or click --> )
Logon with "admin" and your password.

at the prompt type: port a1 counters
or :  port a1 show

Later versions

Firmware v4.01.09 onwards doesn't accept telnet connections, but it does support the hidden page or
To view stats, log in to the web interface of the router in the normal way, then go to the above address, where the stats are displayed. 

 More info on belkin hidden pages

Important info for F5D7632 users on DSL Max

Some maxdsl users have reported problems with the F5D7632-4 . Belkin have now released new firmware which can be downloaded from here

Belkin F5D7633 router


Belkin F5D7633

Navigate your browser to:

Information is on the opening page.

More info on belkin hidden pages

Belkin F5D8631-4


Belkin F5D8631-4

F5D8631-4  N1 v3

Navigate to:

You may need to update firmware to min 3.01.06

Belkin G+ MIMO (F5D9630)


Belkin G+ MIMO (F5D9630)

Navigate your browser to:

Error count

More info on belkin hidden pages

Billion BiPAC 5200 router


Billion BiPAC 5200 Series

From the web interface 

Default username = admin, password = admin

The stats are at the bottom of the page in the ADSL section

How to tell if the connection is interleaved

Open a command line window and type:


Enter the admin password when asked.

You will see a prompt which says 'router>'. Type the following:

wan adsl chandata

The response will be similar to this:

router> wan adsl chandata
near-end interleaved channel bit rate: 6368 kbps
near-end fast channel bit rate: 0 kbps
far-end interleaved channel bit rate: 448 kbps
far-end fast channel bit rate: 0 kbps

from which you can see that this connection is interleaved.

Type exit to close the telnet session.

Thanks to roseway for this info

Billion BiPAC 7300G routers


Billion BiPAC 7300 Series

From the web interface


Configuration >
ADSL from the left menu

Default username = admin, password = admin

Binatone ADSL 500 /1000/2000 r


Binatone ADSL 500 / 1000 / 2000

From in your browser window.

Click "ADSL status".

BT 1800HG router


BT 1800HG

Key code: 527F-27G4-A222-22BK-B22K

By default the user and password are set as blank.

2wire activation keys

BT Home Hub 5 broadband router


BT Home Hub


> Broadband Connection
> DSL Connection
> Details

Direct link :-

If the above doesnt work and you are using a different firmware version try:-

> Advanced
> Status
> ADSL Line

Default user: "admin" password:"admin"
Password could also be the 11 digit serial number of your Hub. This S/N should be on a label on the Hub.

This hub is closely based on the Speedtouch 716G (R1) or 716WL(R5) board
Advanced CLI info at

BT HH3 HomeHub3


BT HomeHub 3


Settings ->
Advanced Settings >
Broadband >
Connection >
Click "Show Details" Button at the bottom

You can also try the direct link

Note 1. If this is the 1st time you have been to the Hub manager you will have to change & set your admin password.

Note 2. This method does not work for BT Infinity (Fibre) as it is the Openreach modem that controls your broadband connection details.

BT Home Hub 4


BT HomeHub 4

Unfortunately the HH4 doesn't offer any linestats via the interface other than connection speed.

http://bthomehub.home  admin password is on the card on the back of the hub.

From the top Menu > Troubleshooting
> Helpdesk
> Bandwidth

You may be able to gain a little more information from the event log, such as the SNR Margin, shortly after a resync.

Troubleshooting >
Event Log >
Category 'WAN'

BT Home Hub 5 linestats


BT HomeHub 5


From the top Menu
> Troubleshooting
> Helpdesk

Default admin password is on the card on the back of the hub.
 If this is the 1st time you have been to the Hub manager you will have to change & set your admin password.

BT Openreach fibre modem


BT Openreach FTTC modems

BT Openreach are currently supplying 2 different modems for VDSL(2) FTTC services.
Unfortunately both the Huawei and ECI models are locked and there is no 'out of the box' solution to get line stats for your FTTC connection.

It is possible to unlock the Openreach branded Huawei HG612 .
See  Unlocking the Huawei HG612 for more information.

Whilst it is not impossible to hack the ECI modem, this does involve a much more complicated procedure - which certainly isn't for the faint hearted.
For more information see discussions on the forum.

BT Voyager 100 modem


BT Voyager 100

Double click the system tray icon to open the Options Menu.

Choose the "Status" option to open a new window which should show you your data rate.
You may also see some coloured circles which show information about your line status.
Put your mouse cursor over this window, and very quickly click your left mouse button and right mouse button 3 times ie: left, right, left, right, left, right.
Hopefully some extra tabs should now appear that show the advanced information.
Click the Advanced Button.

Note: The latest firmware version with the new interface should be able to access the advanced information by following the instructions for the Voyager 105 below.

BT Voyager Modem High Speed Patch.

BT Voyager 105 usb modem


BT Voyager 105

Double click system tray icon which opens the voyager control panel.

Click on the "Status" Button.

When the small status panel appears,
Press control + F1 which enables the hidden features.

Note: You may need to have the latest firmware installed, which you can get from here.
Older firmware versions may have some sucess by trying the instructions for the V100 above.

*Thanks to drmac for the clarification

BT Voyager 205 router


BT Voyager 205

Telnet to the router IP address

or click --> 
Default Logon: "admin" Password: "admin".

at the $ prompt type:  get dsl params

You are looking for:-
Local Line Atten(dB) & Local SNR Margin(dB)

Alternatively line stats can be found from the web interface

under Troubleshooting >
Advanced Diagnostics >
DSL Param

BT Voyager 210 router


BT Voyager 210

From the web interface

Click Advanced...|Status in the centre of the page

This opens up a new menu on the left hand side of the page.
Under Status

> Broadband Line

"More Information" gives you line error information stats

Default login: "Admin". Password: "Admin" or "Password"

BT Voyager 2100/2110/2091 rout


BT Voyager 2100/ 2110/ 2091

From the web interface

Click Advanced...|Status in the centre of the page

This opens up a new menu on the left hand side of the page.
Under Status

> Broadband Line

"More Information" gives you line error information stats

Default login: "Admin". Password: "Admin" or "Password"

Cisco ADSL router


Cisco (all ADSL router models)

Telnet to the router IP address

At the prompt type: show dsl interface atm 0
or: show dsl interface atm 1/0

(can also be abbreviated to: sh dsl int atm 0)

NB on Cisco 1400 series routers, the command is:
show controller atm 0

show controller atm 1/0

DLink 604+ adsl router


DLink 604+

From the web interface
> Summary
> Line Condition

Default username "admin" password "admin".

DLink DSL-200 USB modem


DLink DSL 200 USB

Double click the system tray icon to open the Options Menu.

Choose the "Status" option to open a new window which should show you your data rate.
You may also see some coloured circles which show information about your line status.
Put your mouse cursor over this window, and very quickly click your left mouse button and right mouse button 3 times ie: left, right, left, right, left, right.
Hopefully some extra tabs should now appear that show the advanced information.
Click the Advanced Button.

DLink 300T adsl router


DLink DSL 300T

From the prompt type:
cat /proc/avalanche/avsar_modem_stats

Default username login "root" password "admin".

DLink DSL- 320T / 502T / 504T


DLink DSL 320T / 502T / 504T / 524T / 624T / G624

From the web interface
Default IP address may also be

> "Status" Tab at the top
> "DSL Status" from the left Menu

Default username login "admin" password "admin".
   DSL-502T manual DSL-504T manual

DLink DSL 2740B DSL-2640B


DLink DSL-2640B / 2740B

1. Go to in your browser
2. Log into the router (default, Username: admin  password: admin)
3. From the Top Navigation, click the Status Button
4. From the Left Hand Menu, Select "Statistics".
5. Your line stats are displayed under the "ADSL Statistics" Section.

(Thanks to jid for these instructions).

DLink DSL-604T adsl router


DLink DSL-604T

From the web interface

> "Status" Tab at the top
> "Modem Status" from the left Menu

Default username login "admin" password "admin".

Draytech Vigor 2600 / 2800 rou


Draytech Vigor 2600 / 2800

From the web interface
> OnLine Status

You can also telnet into the CLI to get a fair bit more information.
The required command is:
> show adsl

Default username "admin", the password is left blank.

EE Brightbox router


EE Brightbox


Advanced Setup >
System >
ADSL Status

Default Username = admin
Password is on a sticker underneath the router.

Fujitsu FDX310 modem


Fujitsu FDX310

Double click the system tray icon to open the Options Menu.

Choose the "Status" option to open a new window which should show you your data rate.
You may also see some coloured circles which show information about your line status.
Put your mouse cursor over this window, and very quickly click your left mouse button and right mouse button 3 times ie: left, right, left, right, left, right.
Hopefully some extra tabs should now appear that show the advanced information.
Click the Advanced Button.

Huawei EchoLife HG612


Huawei EchoLife HG612


Status >
xDSL Tab

Default Username & Password = admin

Advanced stats can be obtained by telnetting into the Busybox shell

# xdslcmd info --pbParams

See also HG612 modemstats

Note:  BT Openreach Fibre (Infinity/FTTC) Modems are locked by default. 
To obtain linestats for a Openreach Huawei HG612 you will need to unlock your HG612

Huawei SmartAX MT882 adsl rout


Huawei SmartAX MT882

Browse to

This will open the web configuration manager.
Your line stats can be found on the Summary page.

Default username = admin  Password = admin

More information on the Huawei SmartAX MT882

Linksys AG-241 adsl router


Linksys AG-241

Line stats can be accessed using the same hidden link as in the WAG-54G.


(Thanks to Billford for bringing this to my attention))

Linksys WAG 160N router


Linksys WAG 160N

Some users have had problems getting line stats from this router, but we believe the following should work.

The router may need putting in debug mode first.


Linksys WAG354G


Linksys WAG 354G

354G v1.

Line stats can be accessed via a hidden page


Default username and password are "admin"

More info and hidden pages for the 354G available at

Linksys WAG 54G2 router line s


Linksys WAG 54G2

Some users have had problems getting line stats from this router, but we believe the following should work.

The router may need putting in debug mode first.

Linksys WAG-54G adsl router


Linksys WAG-54G

v2 of this router.

From the web interface
> Status
> DSL Connection

Default username and password are "admin".


Previously it was assumed that only v2 of the WAG-54G could provide line stats. However mdibb has found out they can be accessed via a hidden page:


Linksys WAG-54GS adsl router


Linksys WAG-54GS

Turn debug on:

start telnet:

type in command:
adslctl info --stats

(Info provided by Dov)

Netgear DG814 adsl router


Netgear DG814

Unfortunately this router is unable to provide any linestats. :(

Netgear DG834 G adsl router


Netgear DG834/ DG834G

You need to have firmware at least v 1.05.

From the web interface
> Router Status
> "Show Statistics" Button

alternatively click this link --> Show Statistics.

Default username = admin, password = password

Notes on the DG834(G).
v1 and v2 are based on the TI (Texas Instruments) AR7 ADSL chipset.
v3 is based on a different TI AR7 chipset and has different firmware.
v4 has a broadcom chipset (BCM6348 V0.7). As such firware versions are also different.
v5 uses a Conexant chipset (CX94610).

New firmware released Feb 2007. - Bug fixes in DG834 and DG834G Release Version 3.01.31_UK/3.01.32 software, which cures the frequent drop outs. More info.

Netgear owners may also be interested in a nice little tool called RouterStats for monitoring their SNR Margin.

How to Check for interleaving

Netgear DG834GT / DG834PN/DG83


Netgear DG834GT / DG834PN/DG834N

From the web interface
> Router Status
> "Show Statistics" Button

alternatively click this link --> Show Statistics.

Default username = admin, password = password

Sky Router Info
Default sky login- username= admin, password= sky

DG834GT - How to Overide Target SNR on the DSLAM

O2 Wireless Router


O2 Wireless Router

From: http://o2wirelessbox.lan

Login using:
ID: SuperUser
Password: O2Br0ad64nd or serial No from underneath router

Go to

TG585v7   Speedtouch 780WL O2 wireless router  
Speedtouch TG585v7   Speedtouch 780 WL  

Login name: SuperUser
Password: O2Br0ad64nd or the serial number on the bottom of your router

Type the following command at the SuperUser prompt =>
adsl info expand=1

Orange Livebox wireless router


Orange Livebox


New Sagem Livebox (Aug 08)

From the web interface

Click the link at the bottom "Access to the configuration pages."
Click on "System Information"

Default username = admin, password = admin

L.E.D. marked @ flashes rapidly (3-4 times a sec) when powered up.
Sync is indicated by a slower orange flash 1-2 times a sec and goes green once connected to the ISP.

orange sagem livebox

Sagem F@st 3202

From the web interface

Click in the Statistics menu, then select
the ADSL statistics submenu from the
drop-down list.

Default username = admin, password = admin

pdf user manual

Inventel version

Click Access to the configuration pages, then select the
System Information option.

Default username = admin, password = admin



Origo 8100 / 8400 adsl routers


Origo 8100 / 8400

A conexant based router

From the web interface 

> ADSL Line Status

Default username = "admin".
Password can vary but try epicrouter or leave blank

Plexus WBR-T2 router


Plexus WBR-T2

Plexus WBR-T2 V 0.2  may also have been sold as
ebuyer Extra Value Wireless-G ADSL2+ Modem Router

This router is a rebadged Tenda TWL548D - see relevant link below for more info.

Plusnet Hub One


Plusnet Hub One

Limited stats are available:
From the web interface

Click Troubleshooting
> Help Desk

Username: admin
Password: See sticker on bottom of the Hub One

Plusnet line speed can be obtained from here.

Safecom Router



Under the hood its a origo/conexant based router.

From the web interface 

> ADSL Line Status

Default username = "admin".
Password can vary but try epicrouter or leave blank

Sagem F@st 800-840


Sagem F@st 800-840

The "official" instructions are:-

1. Click on the Windows "Start" button - this will then present you with the Start Menu.

2. Select "Programs" - you will be presented with the list of programs on your computer, select "‘Sagem F@0st 800-840" and then from the sub-menu that appears, select "DSLMON".

3. This will bring up a small screen with the DSL status showing "transmit" and "receive" rates.

4. While this screen is visible, on your keyboard hold down the "‘Alt" key and then press the letter "d".

Current attenuation is shown in the "Attenuation" field, current signal-to-noise is shown in the "Margin" field.

The following information is available:-

Basic stats showing speed along with downstream attenuation and margin in top box.
Advanced tab with error counters and margin of both upstrea and downstream.
Bin plot showing bits allocated to each frequency band. You have to press Reload to get the graph and it takes a while to arrive, so be patient
SNR plot showing the margin in each frequency band.

(Images kindly provided by Yarwell.)

You may not be able to access the modem stats because the diagnostics software has not been installed.

If this is the case then you will need to re-install the drivers, - to do this follow the instructions below which have kindly been provided by Yarwell.

Install the diagnostic Tools (DSLMon)

If they are not enabled, a re-install is called for.

First remove the USB modem drivers using the Start menu sagem F@st 800-840 entry Uninstall.

Unplug the modem then make a copy of the files off the drivers CD - I found you only need the files in the root directory, leave the folders behind (mainly Acrobat in 10 languages). Put them on a memory stick or in a folder on your hard drive.

Next edit the file SETUP.INI with Notepad, look for the entry :-

;InstallDSLTest is a flag for installing the DSL test software.
;1: Install DSLTest
;0: does not Install DSLTest (Default)

and change the last 0 to a 1.

Save the file and then run setup.exe from the same folder to install the drivers with the diagnostics. Now Alt+D will pop up a window. 

Siemens Gigaset SE587


Siemens Gigaset SE587

From the web interface

> Click on Status from the top menu.
> Select  DSL Status from the left menu.

Default username = admin. Password = admin

Sky Hub SR101


Sky Hub

Sky Hub SR101
Default: Username = admin. Password = sky OR WiFi password

From the top Navigation Bar
> Maintenance
> Router Status

Click the blue "Show Statistics" button at the bottom.

Sky also has a webpage to detect your line speed:-
Broadband Diagnostics

Sky Router


Sky Router

Sky Router Info
Default sky login- username= admin, password= sky

v1 - Netgear DG834GT skyrouter v1

> Router Status
> "Show Statistics" Button

Sky Netgear DG834GT Utility


v2a - Sagem F@st 2504 skyrouter

Opening page is Maintenance > Router Status
At the Bottom of the Page - Click skyrouter stats


v2b - Netgear DG934G skyrouter

Opening page is Maintenance > Router Status
At the Bottom of the Page - Click skyrouter stats


v3 - Sagem F@st 2504n skyrouter

Opening page is Maintenance > Router Status
At the Bottom of the Page - Click skyrouter stats


Solwise SAR110


Solwise SAR110

Telnet to the router IP address

or click --> 
Logon with "DSL" and your password (default = admin).

at the $ prompt type:  get dsl params

You are looking for:-
Local Line Atten(dB) & Local SNR Margin(dB)

Alternatively line stats can be found in the web interface under WAN > DSL > "DSL Param"

Solwise SAR130


Solwise SAR130

Telnet to the router IP address

or click --> 
Logon with "DSL" and your password (default = admin).

at the $ prompt type:  get dsl params

You are looking for:-
Local Line Atten(dB) & Local SNR Margin(dB)

Alternatively line stats can be found in the web interface under WAN > DSL > "DSL Param"

Solwise SAR715


Solwise SAR715

Telnet to the router's IP address

or click --> 
Login to the router
(Default username and password are "admin".)

at the prompt type:  adsl show perf

Speedtouch 330


Speedtouch 330

You need to install "Dr SpeedTouch". Unfortunately Thomson/speedtouch seem to have removed their download link, but you should be able to install it from the installation cd that came with your modem. DSLDepot have a copy available for download here


Install the program and run "Diagnostics".

Right Click the icon in your system tray >>
Advanced >>
"Write log to disk"

Now open the log file in IE (its in .xml format so you may have to use IE to open it).
You should now be able to see your line stats amongst a lot of other information.

Sometimes Dr ST may throw an error saying that its been unable to complete all checks but it should still output the linestats information that you need.

The stats you are looking for are:-


It is recommended that you close the program after you have finished as it can be quite resource hungry.

(Thank you to secret and banger for passing me the Dr Speedtouch link
Thanks also go to TriGGa who was one of the first to make this info available).

Important Information for users of the Speedtouch 330 on DSLMax

Some older versions may be set by default is set to a maximum speed of 4Mbps. To support the higher speeds you need to download and install new drivers available from Speedtouch.

UK_330_301_Win98-XP_driver (7/8/2008)
UK_330_41C_WinVista_Driver (7/8/2008)

Speedtouch 510v4 / 530


Speedtouch 510v4 / 530

Telnet to the router IP address

or click -->

From the menu select
adsl >

Speedtouch router


Speedtouch Routers - Other

Speedtouch: 510v5, 510v6, 516, 536, 546, 576, 585, 608, 706, 716, 780

From the web interface try


From the routers IP address which is usually

Broadband Connection >
DSL Connection >

Default User Name = Administrator , Password = blank or Serial No from underneath the router

Some of the above speedtouch routers may well have problems if you try changing the default password and it will appear to lock you out or give you and error message "HTTP/1.0 401 Authorization Required". In actual fact this is an authentication problem within IE7 - try using a different browser to change the password.

Thanks to Banger for the direct link 

TalkTalk router


TalkTalk Router


On the 'Summary' Page >
Click the Green 'DSL (Sync)' Button

Default Username & password = admin

Technicolor routers


Technicolor routers

Please note that Technicolor routers may also be known as Thomson.
ie the Thomson TG582n & Technicolor TG582n are the same router.

Most stats can be accessed from

Default user = admin or Administrator
Password = serial number on the underneath of the router.

Usually stats are located from the left hand menu:

Broadband Connection >
DSL Connection >
Then select "Details" from the top right

Technicolor TG582n


Technicolor TG582n

Also known as the Thomson TG582n.  
Used by several ISPs such as Plusnet.

Log in to the router from
Default UserName = admin
Default Password = Serial Number from under the router
From the left hand menu:
Broadband Connection >
DSL Connection >
Then select "Details" from the top right.
Direct link

Tenda TWL548D Router


Tenda TWL548D

May also be sold as :
  ebuyer Extra Value Wireless-G ADSL2+ Modem Router
  or  Plexus WBR-T2 V 0.2

Default IP
Default username = admin  Password = admin

Unfortunately there doesnt appear to be a way to get full stats from the web interface :(
The chipset is a Broadcom BCM6348SKFBG so there could be a possibility via the CLI.

Manufacturers website link
Product review link

Thomson Speedtouch router


Thomson Routers - Other

Thomson Technicolor TG582n


Thomson TG582n

Log in to the router from

Default UserName = Administrator or admin
Default Password =  (blank) or Serial Number from under the router

From the left hand menu:
Broadband Connection >
DSL Connection >
Then select "Details" from the top right.

Direct link

Thomson TG585v7


Thomson TG585 v7

Log in to the router from

Default UserName = Administrator
Default Password =  (blank) or Serial Number from under the router

From the left hand menu:
Broadband Connection >
DSL Connection >
Then select "Details" from the top right.

Direct link

Thomson Technicolor TG589vn


Thomson TG589vn

Log in to the router from
Default UserName = Administrator or admin
Default Password =  (blank) or Serial Number from under the router
From the left hand menu:
Broadband Connection >
DSL Connection >
Then select "Details" from the top right.
Direct link 


TP-Link TD-W9980
Default Username = admin.  Password = admin

From the side menu bar

> Status > DSL




From the web interface 
> Advanced
> ADSL Line Status

Default username = admin, password = password

Zoom 5506 PCI


Zoom 5506 PCI

Open Zoom PCI DSL Control Panel (in the Zoom PCI DSL folder)

Press Alt + P

Select the tab marked "Physical Layer Statistics" for noise margin and attenuation
Select the tab marked "General" for sync connection speeds

Thanks to ETEE for this info.

Zoom USB 5510A


Zoom USB 5510A

From Start >>
Programs >>
Zoom USB DSL >>
Click Zoom USB DSL Autolog.

This will save a file to your desktop which contains your line stats.

Zoom X4


Zoom X3 / X4 / X5

Another conexant based router.

From the web interface 

> ADSL Status

Default username = admin
(X3 & X4) Password = zoomadsl
(X5) Password = zoomvoip

ZyXEL Prestige 2602HW-61


ZyXEL Prestige 2602HW-61 & P-650R-31

This method should work with most of the ZyXEL Prestige Routers.

Telnet into the routers IP address >>
Choose Menu 24 (System Maintenace) >>
Option 8 (Command Interpreter Mode) >>

For each set of information required, use the relevant command.

~ DSL standard and sync rates
ras> wan adsl chandata

~ Upstream SNR Margin, attenuation and down output power
ras> wan adsl linedata far

~ Downstream SNR Margin, attenuation and up output power
ras> wan adsl linedata near

~ Line errors and errored seconds.
ras> wan adsl perfdata

~ Line data
ras> wan adsl diag

(Thanks to SteveBasford and Parish for this info).

ZyXEL Prestige 600


ZyXEL Prestige 600 Series

> Diagnostic
> DSL Line

Up and downstream SNR Margins available

Default username = admin
Password = 1234

For more information you may need to telnet into the router as per the information above for the Prestige 650-R.

Thanks to steph for pointing out that there were some stats available from the web interface.

ZyXEL Prestige 630 USB


ZyXEL Prestige 630 USB

To access the advanced Features

Hold down Left Shift + Left Ctrl and then click on the ZYXEL logo.
Click the Advanced Button that appears to get a window showing your line stats.

Zyxel VMG8324


Zyxel VMG8324/VMG8924
Default Username = admin. Password = 1234

From the menu at the bottom

> System Monitor
> xDSL Statistics

Works with DSLstats


Back to top of page

Cant get your stats?

If you have a router which doesn't provide line stats, most routers do have the facility to provide SNMP information. In which case you may have some luck with MIB Browser. ske1fr has provided a tutorial here how to use SNMP and MIB browser.

Why "frogstats"?

This term dates back to the early days of adsl, and particularly to 2003/2004 when your attenuation reading decided whether you could get adsl, or if BT would allow you to have a 1Mb or 2Mb connection.
Back then few people had routers and most people were supplied a speedtouch 330 which affectionately became known as "the Frog". This page originally started off as a permanent record on how to get your linestats from "the frog". Over the years it has grown to include most of the commonly used routers. Details are now held in a database and generated dynamically, but the name remains the same :)

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